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Medicine Journal
Medicine Journal presents current knowledge and practice of clinical medicine in a structured 'curriculum'. Our aim is to describe accepted principles and practice, and to indicate recent advances that will improve understanding of disease and the care of patients. The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and academic excellence. All articles published in this journal will be peer-reviewed. Papers will be published shortly after acceptance.
ISSN Print: 2381-490X
ISSN Online: 2381-4918
Volume 6, Issue 2, June 2019
A Study on the Effects of Pain Stimulus on the Blood Pressure and Heart Rate of Undergraduate Medical Students - A Randomized Control Trial
Varsha  Valery A/P Parameswaran,   Jayaprisshna  A/P V. R. Soma Sundaram,   Aillilkumaran  A/L Rajendran,   Vikneshilan  Isaac Ganesh,   Yau  Kim Boon
Pages: 24-32  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 26  Since Apr. 9, 2019    Views: 1220  Since Apr. 9, 2019
Social Perception on Medical Marijuana Among Medical Students in Melaka Manipal Medical College: A Cross-Sectional Study
Leow  Kah Siew,   Tee  Jing Yang,   Ushananthini  Maniam,   Cecelia  Sneha Kondapaneni,   Ian  Bong Zhe
Pages: 33-42  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 40  Since Apr. 16, 2019    Views: 1297  Since Apr. 16, 2019
Association of Gender, Ethnicity, Blood Group with Visual Acuity and Colour Vision Among Undergraduate Medical Students: Cross Sectional Study
Samarathunga  Arachchige Uvindu Indira Karunarathna,   Hewage  Methsithini Mandakini Rodrigo,   Viniitha  Jagatheesan,   Durgeswary  Keecha,   Kisshan  Pathmanathan Thiruchelvam
Pages: 43-51  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 26  Since Apr. 26, 2019    Views: 1248  Since Apr. 26, 2019
The Density of Anopheles Mosquitoes in Correlation to Malaria Cases and Some Environmental Factors in Elnhoud Town
Adam  Musa Adam Eissa,   Mutaman  Ali Abdlghader Kehail
Pages: 52-54  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 12  Since Apr. 26, 2019    Views: 990  Since Apr. 26, 2019
Hematological Changes in Children with Plasmodium Vivax Malaria Attending Elnihoud Teaching Hospital
Abdelnassir  Mohammed Ahamed,   Hafiz  Ahmed Hobiel
Pages: 55-58  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 10  Since Apr. 26, 2019    Views: 1004  Since Apr. 26, 2019
Clinical Impact of Deep Versus Moderate Neuromuscular Block for Bariatric Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Lucas  Ferreira Gomes Pereira,   Regina  El Dib,   Carlos  Darcy Alves Bersot,   José  Eduardo Guimarães Pereira
Pages: 59-67  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 43  Since Apr. 26, 2019    Views: 1181  Since Apr. 26, 2019
A Case Series of Anesthetic Management of Pregnant Women with Takayasu Arteritis
Marilia  da Silva Faria de Macedo,   Alex  Pinto de Macêdo da Silva,   Maurício  Goldberg Neto,   Marcos  Lopes de Miranda,   Carlos  Darcy Alves Bersot
Pages: 68-72  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 18  Since Apr. 26, 2019    Views: 1046  Since Apr. 26, 2019
Knowledge, Attitude, Self-esteem and Use of Pharmaceutical Cognitive Enhancers (PCE) Among Medical Students: Cross Sectional Study
Gayathirii  a/p Sathaya,   Danoosha  a/p T. S. K. Nagendra Rao,   Ang  Chen En,   Jonathan  Raj Gnan,   Harishankera  a/l A. Mahalingam
Pages: 73-82  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 43  Since May 31, 2019    Views: 1211  Since May 31, 2019
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