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Open Science Journal of Psychology
Open Science Journal of Psychology is a scholarly and peer-reviewed journal published bimonthly for educators and researchers in the field of psychology. The aim of the journal is to promot the international dissemination of relevant empirical research and theoretical and methodological proposals in the various areas of specialization within psychology. The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and academic excellence. All articles published in this journal will be peer-reviewed. Papers will be published shortly after acceptance.
Volume 5, Issue 4, July 2018
The Effect of Physical Co-Location on Social Competence, Gaming Engagement and Gamer Identity within a Competitive Multiplayer Game
Joanne  Powell,   Linda  Kaye
Pages: 38-44  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 72  Since Aug. 31, 2018    Views: 1325  Since Aug. 31, 2018
Work Actualizers of the Faculty at Midlife
Galvin  Alaan Galeon
Pages: 45-53  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 46  Since Aug. 31, 2018    Views: 1347  Since Aug. 31, 2018
Exploring the Relationship Between Student Absenteeism and Student Literacy at the National Level
Sharon  Murchie,   Mingyuan  Zhang
Pages: 54-62  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 81  Since Sep. 13, 2018    Views: 1173  Since Sep. 13, 2018
Diabetics and Sexual Disorders: Both Men and Women with Diabetes Suffer from Impotence and Lack of Sexual Desire
Ibrahim  Abdelrahim Ibrahim Humaida
Pages: 63-67  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 51  Since Sep. 13, 2018    Views: 1107  Since Sep. 13, 2018
Open Science Scholarly Journals
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