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American Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation
American Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation is a scholarly and peer-reviewed journal published bimonthly for educators and researchers in the mechanics and automation field. It seeks to bridge and integrate the intellectual, methodological, and substantive diversity of scholarship, and to encourage a vigorous dialogue between scholars and practitioners. The journal welcomes contributions which promote the exchange of ideas and rational discourse between educators and researchers all over the world.
ISSN Print: 2381-6198
ISSN Online: 2381-6201
Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2018
Research Progress of Cab Comfort Under Vehicle Vibration Environment
Zhang  Ge,   Zhang  Chenqing,   Zhao  Fang,   Shi  Jingnan,   Chen  Qiubing,   Ren  Wu
Pages: 43-48  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 82  Since Jul. 25, 2018    Views: 1310  Since Jul. 25, 2018
Numerical Investigation of the Effects of Number of Rotor and Nozzle Blades on the Performance of an ORC Turbo-Expander
Ibrahim  Gad-el-Hak,   Ahmed  Eldein Hussin,   Ashraf  Moustafa Hamed,   Nabil  Abdel Aziz Mahmoud
Pages: 49-62  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 71  Since Jul. 25, 2018    Views: 1479  Since Jul. 25, 2018
Consideration of Fluidelastic Instability While Designing Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers
Hossin  Omar
Pages: 63-71  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 51  Since Aug. 3, 2018    Views: 1216  Since Aug. 3, 2018
Performance and Behaviour of a Magneto-Rheological Damper in a Semi-Active Vehicle Suspension and Power Evaluation
Ahmed  Shehata Gad,   Helmy  Mohamed El-Zoghby,   Walid  Abd El-Hady Oraby,   Samir  Mohamed El-Demerdash
Pages: 72-89  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 68  Since Aug. 31, 2018    Views: 1387  Since Aug. 31, 2018
Improvement of In-Wheel Motorized Electric Vehicle Stability Through Yaw Motion Control
Ahmed  Sami,   Mohammed  Abd Elhafiz,   Esam  Morsy,   Nabil  Hammad
Pages: 90-98  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 68  Since Aug. 31, 2018    Views: 1462  Since Aug. 31, 2018
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