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International Journal of Service Science, Management and Engineering
International Journal of Service Science, Management and Engineering provides an open forum for researchers and practitioners to share leading-edge knowledge in service science understood as a broad research field that encompasses all the aspects that relate to services, their planning, design, operation, evaluation, and improvement. The journal is targeted at both academic researchers and practicing professionals.
ISSN Print: 2381-6031
ISSN Online: 2381-604X
Volume 5, Issue 4, December 2018
Pricing Innovation Strategy Impact for Telecommunication Industry Companies in Congo Brazzaville Based on Elasticity Analysis
Ngomah  Madgil Don Stenay Junior,   Ngomah  Le Temps Décide Amour Prestige,   Thierry  Belinga,   Jean  Félix Makosso,   Gertrude  Ndeko
Pages: 125-140  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 45  Since Sep. 20, 2018    Views: 1253  Since Sep. 20, 2018
The Influence of Reference Groups on Consumer’s Online Hotel Booking Intentions (A Field Study on the Egyptian Consumer)
Yasser  Tawfik,   Zeinab  Zaazou
Pages: 141-148  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 56  Since Oct. 10, 2018    Views: 11075  Since Oct. 10, 2018
Company Performance and Corporate Governance Mechanisms: A Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Kashfia  Naz,   Mansura  Nusrat
Pages: 149-154  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 32  Since Oct. 26, 2018    Views: 1216  Since Oct. 26, 2018
A SWOT Analysis for Palm Sugar SME in Implementing E-Commerce: Case Study for Indonesia
Lutfi  ,   Agus  David Ramdansyah
Pages: 155-162  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 72  Since Oct. 26, 2018    Views: 1518  Since Oct. 26, 2018
Quantitative Decision Making; Mathematical and Managerial Perspectives Comparative Case Study (MSA Versus Cairo University)
Emad  El-Din Hussein Hassan,   Zeinab  Abbas Zaazou
Pages: 163-167  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 32  Since Jan. 17, 2019    Views: 1327  Since Jan. 17, 2019
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