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International Journal of Nursing and Health Science
International Journal of Nursing and Health Science publishes peer-reviewed papers on original research, education and clinical practice. By encouraging scholars from around the world to share their knowledge and expertise, the journal aims to provide the reader with a deeper understanding of the lived experience of nursing and health sciences and the opportunity to enrich their knowledge for practice education, management or policy.
ISSN Print: 2381-4861
ISSN Online: 2381-4888
Volume 3, Issue 6, November 2016
Assessment of Knowledge, Skills and Preparedness of Nurses on Management of Mass Casualty in University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital
Nelson  Lola,   Amina  Abdulraheem,   Inuwa  Ahmadu,   Robert  T. Kever,   Gagare  A. A.,   Fatsuma  M. Abore
Pages: 48-52  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 119  Since Oct. 28, 2016    Views: 1698  Since Oct. 28, 2016
“Management Gap in the Treatment of Infertility in Ghana”: The Cry of Childless Women
Deborah  Y. Kussiwaah,   Ernestina  S. Donkor,   Florence  Naab
Pages: 53-58  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 63  Since Nov. 8, 2016    Views: 1651  Since Nov. 8, 2016
Moral Distress and Turnover Intention among Critical Care Nurses in Saudi Arabia
Bilal  Abumayyaleh,   Omar  Khraisat,   Shaher  Hamaideh,   Adnan  Ahmed,   Imad  Thultheen
Pages: 59-64  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 74  Since Jan. 11, 2017    Views: 2108  Since Jan. 11, 2017
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