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International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries publishes high-quality solicited and unsolicited articles, in English, in all areas of agriculture, forestry and fisheries. It generally aims to foster progressive partnerships between different stake holders towards sustainable Agriculture. The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and academic excellence. All articles published in this journal will be peer-reviewed. Papers will be published shortly after acceptance.
ISSN Print: 2381-4365
ISSN Online: 2381-4373
Volume 3, Issue 5, October 2015
Profitability Index of Dates (Phoenix dactylifera Linn.) Trade Among Wholesalers in Kano State, Nigeria
Obadimu  O. O.,   Oluwalana  S. A.,   Momoh  S.
Pages: 161-166  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 38  Since Sep. 8, 2015    Views: 1923  Since Sep. 8, 2015
Extent of Participation in Co-management on Lake Tanganyika, Zambia
Davies  C. Banda,   Confred  G. Musuka,   Lloyd  Haambiya
Pages: 167-174  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 41  Since Sep. 23, 2015    Views: 2053  Since Sep. 23, 2015
Using Edible Tubers, Root and Bulbs as Drivers of Community Based Natural Resource Management in Zambia
Darius  Phiri,   Donald  Zulu,   Chisala  Lwali,   Christopher  Imakando
Pages: 175-181  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 68  Since Sep. 23, 2015    Views: 2355  Since Sep. 23, 2015
Involvement of Gum Arabic Producers' Associations in Promoting Gum Arabic Production and Marketing in Ennuhud and West Bara Localities, Sudan
Mohamed  E. Taha,   Ismail  F. Mugadam,   Hatim  M. A. Elamin,   Bashir  A. ElTahir,   Osman  Elsaid Adlan,   Muneer  E. S. Eltahir
Pages: 182-188  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 66  Since Sep. 23, 2015    Views: 2690  Since Sep. 23, 2015
Contribution of Non-wood Forest Products in Support of Livelihoods of Rural People Living in the Area South of Blue Nile State, Sudan
Mohamednour  Abdelrahim
Pages: 189-194  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 35  Since Oct. 23, 2015    Views: 1902  Since Oct. 23, 2015
Rural Cage Aquaculture in Ox-bow Lakes of Zambezi Plains
Boniface  Nyika,   Grant  Simuchimba
Pages: 195-201  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 32  Since Oct. 23, 2015    Views: 2040  Since Oct. 23, 2015
Dissecting Genotype by Environment Interactions in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Genotypes Form Niger
Abdou  Razakou Ibrahim,   Moutari  Adamou,   Djibo  Moussa,   Bachari  Moussa
Pages: 202-205  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 37  Since Oct. 23, 2015    Views: 1901  Since Oct. 23, 2015
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