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Cardan’s Coupling Shaft as a Dynamic Evolutionary System
Current Issue
Volume 4, 2017
Issue 2 (April)
Pages: 6-11   |   Vol. 4, No. 2, April 2017   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 21   Since Nov. 23, 2017 Views: 1223   Since Nov. 23, 2017
Petr Hrubý, The Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, České Budějovice, Czech Republic.
Zdeněk Hlaváč, The Department of Mechanics, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Plzeň, Czech Republic.
Pavla Židková, The Department of Philology, Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava, Silesian University in Opava, Opava, Czech Republic.
The authors have long been concerned with the problem of dimensioning the long articulated shafts of trucks. The impulse for launching the research was a failure on real vehicles - permanent bending deformation of the Cardan coupling shafts. At present, this issue is solved in the framework of grant TA04010579 of the Czech Republic’s Technology Agency focusing on gear pumps. Regarding the shaft system with Hooke’s joints, it is necessary to respect the relative transverse oscillation of the shaft, which introduces to the system the frequency spectrum dependence on the angular velocity of the rotation. The paper describes the mathematical model derivation of the problem. The proposed model is extensively solved using Transfer-matrix Method and the Finite Element Method, and successfully used to detect the causes of failures that occurred on real vehicles.
Transverse Vibration, Articulated Shafts, Frequency Spectrum, Rotational Resonance
HRUBÝ, P. Cardan coupling shaft vibrations in the rotating plane. The written work to the professional exam candidate. VŠSE. Plzeň, 1979.
HÁJEK, E., REIF, P., VALENTA, F. The elasticity and strength I., SNTL/ALFA. Prague, 1988. 04-224-88.
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HRUBÝ Petr a Pavla ŽIDKOVÁ. Transfer matrices derivation of basic elements of propshafts dynamic models. In Michael McGreevy, Robert Rita. CER Comparative European Research 2016. London: Sciemcee Publishing, 2016. s. 126-130, 5 s. ISBN 978-0-9935191-3-0.
HRUBÝ Petr, Zdeněk HLAVÁČ a Pavla ŽIDKOVÁ. The transfer-matrix method in the application for an one-dimensional linear continuum speed resonance. In Michael McGreevy, Robert Rita. Proceedings of the 5th biannual CER Comparative European Research Conference: International scientific conference for Ph.D. students of EU countries. London: Sciemcee Publishing, 2016. s. 141-144, 4 s. ISBN 978-0-9928772-9-3.
HRUBÝ, Petr, Zdeněk HLAVÁČ a Pavla ŽIDKOVÁ. Physical and mathematical models of shafts in drives with Hook´s joints. In Michael McGreevy, Robert Rita. Proceedings of the 5th biannual CER Comparative European Research Conference: International scientific conference for Ph.D. students of EU countries. London: Sciemcee Publishing, 2016. s. 136-140, 5 s. ISBN 978-0-9928772-9-3.
HRUBÝ Petr a Pavla ŽIDKOVÁ. Mathematical model of one-dimensional continuum in state of combined bending-gyratory vibration. In Michael McGreevy, Robert Rita. CER Comparative European Research 2016. London: Sciemcee Publishing, 2016. s. 120-125, 6 s. ISBN 978-0-9935191-3-0.
HRUBÝ Petr, Zdeněk HLAVÁČ a Pavla ŽIDKOVÁ. Critical angular velocities of Cardan shaft bending-gyratory vibration. In Michael McGreevy, Robert Rita. CER Comparative European Research 2016. London: Sciemcee Publishing, 2016. s. 131-135, 5 s. ISBN 978-0-9935191-3-0.
HRUBÝ, Petr, Zdeněk HLAVÁČ a Pavla ŽIDKOVÁ. Cardan shaft steady state response on rotating torque excitation. In Michael McGreevy, Robert Rita. CER Comparative European Research 2016. London: Sciemcee Publishing, 2016. s. 136-140, 5 s. ISBN 978-0-9935191-3-0.
HRUBÝ Petr a Pavla ŽIDKOVÁ. Bending oscillations analysis of kinematic excitated propshaft. In Michael McGreevy, Robert Rita. CER Comparative European Research 2016. London: Sciemcee Publishing, 2016. s. 141-145, 5 s. ISBN 978-0-9935191-3-0.
HRUBÝ, Petr, Zdeněk HLAVÁČ a Pavla ŽIDKOVÁ. Application of the finite element method in determination of modal and spectral properties of propeller shaft´s bending vibrations. In Michael McGreevy, Robert Rita. Proceedings of the 5th biannual CER Comparative European Research Conference: International scientific conference for Ph.D. students of EU countries. London: Sciemcee Publishing, 2016. s. 132-135, 4 s. ISBN 978-0-9928772-9-3.
HRUBÝ, Petr a Pavla ŽIDKOVÁ. Speed resonances of coupled shafts in drives with Hooke's joints. In Michael McGreevy, Robert Rita. CER Comparative European Research 2017. London: Sciemcee Publishing, 2017. s. 79-82, 4 s. ISBN 978-0-9935191-4-7.
HRUBÝ, Petr a Pavla ŽIDKOVÁ. Dynamic stress-strain analysis of shafts in drives with Hookes's joints. In Michael McGreevy, Robert Rita. CER Comparative European Research 2017. London: Sciemcee Publishing, 2017. s. 83-86, 4 s. ISBN 978-0-9935191-4-7.
HRUBÝ, Petr a Pavla ŽIDKOVÁ. Calculation methods of parametrs of dynamic models of shafts in drives with hooke's joints. In Michael McGreevy, Robert Rita. CER Comparative European Research 2017. London: Sciemcee Publishing, 2017. s. 87-90, 4 s. ISBN 978-0-9935191-4-7.
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