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Perception of Ebola Virus Disease in Rumuosi Community, Obio/Akpor Local Government Area, Rivers State, Nigeria
Current Issue
Volume 1, 2016
Issue 2 (September)
Pages: 19-25   |   Vol. 1, No. 2, September 2016   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 74   Since Sep. 2, 2016 Views: 1900   Since Sep. 2, 2016
Eme Olukemi Asuquo, Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, College of Health Sciences, University of Port-Harcourt, Port-Harcourt, Nigeria.
John Abdulrahman Imaledo, Department of Health Promotion and Education, Faculty of Public Health, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Emmanuel Chimatara Onyekwere, Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, College of Health Sciences, University of Port-Harcourt, Port-Harcourt, Nigeria.
Anuale Lebete Nwinewi, Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, College of Health Sciences, University of Port-Harcourt, Port-Harcourt, Nigeria.
Emem Bassey Otong, Department of Preventive and Social Medicine, College of Health Sciences, University of Port-Harcourt, Port-Harcourt, Nigeria.
The outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in Nigeria in 2014 was adjudged to be well managed within the shortest period, yet little is known about people’s perception to EVD; this study therefore assessed the Perception of EVD among residents in Rumuosi community, Rivers State, Nigeria. The study used cluster sampling technique in recruiting 420 willing participants. Data was collected using a self-administered structured questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The result showed that all the respondents had heard of EVD. Almost all (96.9%) said that having direct contact with body fluids of an infected person can transmit EVD and 24.3% were of the view that EVD patient should be abandoned while 58.1% agreed that eating bush meat is a major means of transmission of EVD. Half (50.0%) were of the view that there should be safe transportation of corpses to burial grounds and disinfection of the vehicles used while 48.1% agreed that suspected cases of EVD should be reported to Ebola Help-lines provided by the government. The authorities and stakeholders should take advantage of the high level of awareness to increase advocacy activities to correct the persisting myths and misconceptions about EVD for future purposes.
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