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Imaging Approach for the Determination of Surfaces in Three-Dimensional Coordinates
Current Issue
Volume 5, 2018
Issue 5 (September)
Pages: 132-146   |   Vol. 5, No. 5, September 2018   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 37   Since Oct. 10, 2018 Views: 1089   Since Oct. 10, 2018
Mohamed Hamed, Faculty of Engineering, Port Said University, Port Said, Egypt.
Robert Massen, Transfer Center for Image Processing, Constance, Germany.
Hesham El Hendy, Faculty of Engineering, Port Said University, Port Said, Egypt.
Recently, many research papers are appeared in the field of imaging concept in the free 3-D Cartesian coordinates so that different algorithms may be utilized. It is an economic balance problem because the application of an algorithm should be accurate, and the cost is minimum as possible. The economic balance may be achieved according to the accurate analysis for the determination of a point in the 3-D cartesian coordinates. Then, the balance will be fulfilled if the proposed algorithm can be translated for real application in a minimum cost. This paper introduces some of the modern methods concerning the image digitization to get an accurate information about the surfaces of objects in three dimensional coordinates (3D). An effective concept is proposed with a low price at the permissible standard level where its experimental implementation leads to a high rate of accuracy for the determined spread points in space. The conclusive results permit to recommend such a concept for utilization in the field of image recognition because the research is based on comparison with some other methods. The stereo vision technique with the double human eyes system (and a multiple double eyes) is inserted while all problems related to image purification are treated. The principle of mathematical transformation of 3D objects into double plane coordinates (2D) images is accounted. A calibration model is installed and used for investigation while the digital transformation matrix is defined. The mathematical formulation for obtaining the corresponding points is considered. The accuracy of the proposed approach is high relative to the others inserted in the given research. The proposed system works effectively in different situations to ensure efficient detection for many spread applications in different strategy concepts. Thus, it can be efficient way for the traffic control system in cities (either for the intersection positions or for the registering of cars in the traffic) or for the fine medical requirements of bones and others or even for the heavy industrial installations and factories for the quality control sections. Also, the security utilization may depend on such proposed system for civil safety and protection against crimes. Although the proposed system is simple, it is a highly effective application for the determination of 3D surfaces of many industrial and experimental applications such as the spark mechanism and cracking behavior in high voltage engineering for example.
Image Processing, 3D Coordinates, Corresponding Points, Accurate Surface Determination, Mathematical Transformation Matrix, Calibration Modeling
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