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Automatic Gate Control and Track Crack Prediction in Railways
Current Issue
Volume 5, 2018
Issue 5 (September)
Pages: 147-153   |   Vol. 5, No. 5, September 2018   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 32   Since Oct. 26, 2018 Views: 1124   Since Oct. 26, 2018
Gopu, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, KLN College of Engineering, Sivagangai, India.
Kalimuthu, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, St Mother Theresa Engineering College, Tuticorin, India.
Harold Robinson, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SCAD College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli, India.
Arunachalam, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, KLN College of Engineering, Sivagangai, India.
Aravind Gokul Krishna, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, KLN College of Engineering, Sivagangai, India.
This paper proposes the control of Railway Gates automatically during arrival and departure of trains at railway level crossing. In addition, it detects any cracks (breakings) in the track thereby providing the safety to the train by reducing the probability of accidents that usually occur due to carelessness of authorities. Arduino microcontroller is used to control the automation of gate which provides realistic operation of the flashing signals at a level railway crossing with automatic gate open or close. Also four pairs of infrared light Phototransistors to control the operation of the flashers and gate. Piezoelectric transducers are a category of electro auditory transducer that translates the electrical charges formed by various forms of unyielding substances into energy. The elevated occurrence of trains and the unpredictability of physical labour have instigated the source for a mechanized organization to scrutinize the occurrence of crack on the railway position. This paper recommends a well-organized and expenditure effectual solution appropriate for huge extent relevance. Using series of sensors is identified the vibration in the track. When a train passes its vibration in track it travels with very great velocity than the train velocity so that it can be detected several kilometers ahead before the train.
Arduino, Railway Gates, IR Sensor
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