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Structural Parameters and Magnetic Susceptibility of Mixed Li-Zn Spinel Ferrites
Current Issue
Volume 5, 2018
Issue 1 (February)
Pages: 11-19   |   Vol. 5, No. 1, February 2018   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 40   Since Apr. 9, 2018 Views: 1317   Since Apr. 9, 2018
Hussein Dawoud, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Islamic University, Gaza, Palestine.
Zana Abu Mosa, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Islamic University, Gaza, Palestine.
Samy Shaat, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Islamic University, Gaza, Palestine.
The standard double sintering method was used to synthesis the mixed polycrystalline lithium-zinc spinel ferrites where x is the percentage increments of zinc content. The net magnetization was, theoretically, calculated according to cations distribution. The structural properties were studied such as the cations radii and lattice constant for the tetrahedral and octahedral site, the bond lengths between the cation-cation and cations-anion, the jump or hopping length and the bond angles. The structural properties were influenced by the addition of the zinc content. The measured net magnetization showed increasing with increasing of the applied magnetic field and was found to increase for the samples of x ≤ 0.6 then decreased for the samples of x = 0.8 and 1.0. The increasing of the net magnetization with increasing of zinc ions for the samples of x ≤ 0.6 was explained by Neel’s two-sublattices model. However, for the decreasing of net magnetization beyond x > 0.6 was elucidated by Yafet and Kittel for the three-sublattices model. The relation between applied magnetic field and magnetic susceptibility showed an interesting behaviour of the present ferrite samples. The substitution of the non-magnetic zinc ions in lithium spinel ferrite has a formidable influence on the magnetic properties.
Spinel Ferrite, Magnetic Susceptibility, Cations Distributions, Neel’s Model, Yafet-Kittel Model. Jump Length, Hyperfine Magnetic Field.
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