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Mole Ratio of Eco–Friendly Epoxidation of Citrullus Lanatus (Watermelon) Seeds Oil
Current Issue
Volume 5, 2018
Issue 1 (February)
Pages: 1-10   |   Vol. 5, No. 1, February 2018   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 70   Since Jan. 25, 2018 Views: 1151   Since Jan. 25, 2018
Muhammad Rizwan, Department of Chemistry, University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.
Sobia Naseem, Department of Chemistry, University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.
The mole ratio of epoxidation of Watermelon seed oil (citrulus lanatus) was studied in situ formed by the reaction of hydrogen peroxide and glacial acetic acid, acting as precursor of peroxy-acetic acid (behave as active oxygen carrier), in the presence of catalyst in inert solvent (maintain the stability of epoxidised product). Choice of catalyst (Amberlite IR-120) got priority as eco-friendly and more effective n terms of oxirane conversion instead of mineral acids i.e. H2SO4 and HNO3. The epoxidation of Watermelon seed (WMSO) oil was proceeded in two main reaction phases via Homogenous & Heterogeneous phase. In heterogeneous phase, reaction starts with the formation of initiator like peroxy-carboxylic acid by excitingly combination of hydrogen peroxide with carboxylic acids (liquid phase) using a catalyst (solid phase). This leads to next step, i.e. combination of peroxy-carboxylic acid (liquid phase) with unsaturated fatty acid (liquid phase) giving homogenous phase reaction. The relative epoxy yield was achieved at 333K (60°C) after 6 hrs when Amberlite IR-120 was taken as 3% of total weight of acetic acid and 30% aqueous H2O2 per mole of double bond in oil.
In Situ Epoxidation, Watermelon Seed Oil (WMSO), Acidic ion Exchange Resin, Peroxy-Acetic Acid (PAA), Kinetics
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