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Effect of Peer Victimisation on Adult Onset of Depression
Current Issue
Volume 1, 2014
Issue 3 (June)
Pages: 29-34   |   Vol. 1, No. 3, June 2014   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 23   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 1597   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Toshinori Kitamura, Kitamura Institute of Mental Health Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
Shigeki Fujihara, Fujihara Clinic, Kofu, Japan.
A previous data set was reanalysed to investigate the relationships of peer victimisation and other early life events with adult onset of depression. A total of 220 community residents were interviewed to establish lifetime DSM-III-R diagnosis of Major Depressive Episode (MDE) and the incidence of various childhood life events, including peer victimisation and child abuse. The Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) and the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) were also employed. Participants with a lifetime history of DSM-III-R MDE reported a greater number of experiences of being bullied and of suffering fracture or injury than those without it. However, the association of peer victimisation with adult onset of MDE lost statistical significance if confounding with paternal abuse was taken into account. Neuroticism score on the EPQ indicated that this personality trait did not serve as a mediator of the association between peer victimisation and adult onset of MDE.
Depression, Peer Victimisation, Child Abuse, Personality, EPQ
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