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NMR Structural Studies on Mixed Former Vanadium Phosphate Glasses Modified by Copper Oxide
Current Issue
Volume 8, 2021
Issue 1 (February)
Pages: 1-5   |   Vol. 8, No. 1, February 2021   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 48   Since Mar. 29, 2021 Views: 887   Since Mar. 29, 2021
Hany Abed, Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.
Gomaa El Damrawi, Glass Research Group, Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.
Mohamed El Sherbiny, Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.
Mohamed Farouk, Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt.
Glasses in the xCuO-(80-x)V2O5-20 P2O5 system with 0 ≤ x ≤ 40 mol% were prepared by slowly cooling technique. XRD spectra have confirmed the amorphous structure of the all investigated samples. Effects of exchange of V2O5 with CuO on the results based on 51V NMR spectroscopy were specifically studied. It is found that V2O5 plays a dual role, as network modifier and a network former. Both the phosphate and vanadate network structures were depolymerized by CuO. The change in the values of chemical shifts of 51V NMR is a measure for depolmerization process. In the V2O5 rich glasses, both pentavalent (V5) and tetrahedral (V4) vanadium atoms are formed. On the other hand, V5 concentration is decreased and V4 units containing non bridging oxygen atoms (NBO) is alternatively increased upon increasing CuO and decreasing in V2O5 concentrations. Increasing CuO at the expense of V2O5 results in the formation of (NBO) in the main glass network. Increasing of NBO leads to creation of more open spaces which can play the role of weakening in the structure that can be reflected by decreasing the glass hardness with increasing CuO content. In the field of application, the mixed former amorphous vanadium phosphate network is recommended as a good model for semiconducting material in which the conduction mechanism would be accessible by both Cu cations and electron transition between the valance states of vanadium atoms. In addition, the layer structure of V2O5-P2O5 is characterized by its good ability for storing energy between different multilayers. This issue needs a further studies which will be considered in a future work.
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