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Euler - Lagrangian Mechanics on (2,0)-Jet Bundles with Constraints
Current Issue
Volume 7, 2019
Issue 1 (March)
Pages: 28-33   |   Vol. 7, No. 1, March 2019   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 17   Since Apr. 29, 2019 Views: 991   Since Apr. 29, 2019
Ibrahim Yousif Ibrahim Abad Alrhman, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, West Kordufan University, Alnhoud City, Sudan.
This paper aims to present Euler -Lagrangian Mechanics formalism for mechanical systems using (2,0)-Jet Bundles with Constraints, which represent an interesting multidisciplinary field of research. As a result of this study, partial differential equations will be obtained for movement of objects in space and solutions of these equations will be made by using the Maple computer program. In this study, some geometrical, relativistic, mechanical, and physical results related to (2,0)-Jet Bundles with Constraints mechanical systems broad applications in mathematical physics, geometrical optics, classical mechanics, analytical mechanics, mechanical systems, thermodynamics, geometric quantization and applied mathematics such as control theory.
Geometry of Holomorphic, (2,0) Jet Bundle, Constrained Lagrangian Dynamics
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