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Dietary Supplementation of Raw Spirulina platensis Increases the Growth Performance and Body Colouration in Guppy Fish (Poecilia reticulata)
Current Issue
Volume 6, 2018
Issue 3 (September)
Pages: 56-64   |   Vol. 6, No. 3, September 2018   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 103   Since Dec. 19, 2018 Views: 1740   Since Dec. 19, 2018
Piyushani Iresha Sarathchandra, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Animal Science and export Agriculture, Uva Wellassa University, Badulla, Sri Lanka.
Anjula Sachintha Mahaliyana, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Animal Science and export Agriculture, Uva Wellassa University, Badulla, Sri Lanka.
Sepalika Chandrani Jayamanne, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Animal Science and export Agriculture, Uva Wellassa University, Badulla, Sri Lanka.
The present study investigated the effect of dietary supplementation of different percentages of raw Spirulina platensis (5, 10, 15, 20, and 25% w.w) on growth performance and colour enhancement in guppy Guppy fish red blonde (Poecilia reticulata). Dietary supplementation was conducted with a commonly used basic fish feed in the ornamental aquaculture sector and the same commercial feed (Prima 0®) was used as the control treatment. There were significantly high final mean body weight and mean body length (p<0.05) in the treatments that fish were fed with 5% raw Spiruina platensis incorporated diet. Fish fed with all the supplemented diets showed a significantly high mean length gain (p<0.05) compared to the control diet. There were no any significant differences among the specific growth rates (p>0.05) for all the treatments. All the supplemented diets showed a better feed conversion ratio compared to the control diet, yet there were no any significant differences (p>0.05) between the supplemented diets. There was a significant difference between the commercial feed and all the Spiruina platensis incorporated diets in terms of the colour intensity of the fish body (p<0.05). As per the results, incorporation of raw Spiruina platensis leads to improved growth performances and colour enhancement in guppy fish red blonde. However, the studied incorporation levels did not show significant differences for the studied parameters in the fish.
Colour Enhancement, Dietary Supplementation, Growth Performance, Poecilia Reticulata, Spirulina Platensis
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