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Screening of Actinomycete Bacteria Producing Antifungal Metabolites which Could be Used in Biological Control Against a Phytopathogenic Fungus (Rhizopus Stolonifer)
Current Issue
Volume 2, 2014
Issue 4 (August)
Pages: 84-89   |   Vol. 2, No. 4, August 2014   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 76   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 2764   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Boussaber El Arbi, Laboratory of Agrofood and Health, University Hassan I, Faculty of Sciences and Technics, BP: 577, Settat, Morocco.
EL Idrissi Sidi Brahim Salem, Laboratory of Agrofood and Health, University Hassan I, Faculty of Sciences and Technics, BP: 577, Settat, Morocco; Laboratory of polymers, radiation and environment, University Ibn Tofail, Faculty of Sciences, Kenitra, Morocco.
Meftah Kadmiri Issam, Laboratory of Agrofood and Health, University Hassan I, Faculty of Sciences and Technics, BP: 577, Settat, Morocco; Biotechnology unit, Moroccan Foundation for Advanced Science, Innovation and Research Rabat, Morocco.
Hilali Lahoucine, Laboratory of Agrofood and Health, University Hassan I, Faculty of Sciences and Technics, BP: 577, Settat, Morocco.
Hilali Abderraouf, Laboratory of Agrofood and Health, University Hassan I, Faculty of Sciences and Technics, BP: 577, Settat, Morocco; Higher institute of Health Sciences - University complex, Road Casa, BP: 539, Settat, Morocco.
A total of 77 actinomycetes strains were isolated from samples of water, soil and bark of plants. The isolation was performed on three culture media (Olson, Bennett and Glucose- Yeast extract-Malt extract: GLM). The antifungal activity against Rhizopus stolonifer is tested on two culture media (Bennett and GLM) using two different techniques (double layer technique and agar cylinder technique). Thus, 36 isolates (46.75%) were showed moderate to high inhibitory activity against the phytopathogenic fungus studied. Among the active strains, 8 isolates (SP6, Sfr1', SPO3, BEU1, SR1', SEU1, EC3 and EUS1) have showed strong antifungal activity which may provide a potent source for antifungal metabolites. They were selected to susceptibility testing and to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC). Results indicated that the extracts of 8 actinomycetes studied exert an interesting antifungal activity, especially the isolate BEU1 which has proved most efficient and exhibits an intense antifungal activity by inhibiting all phases of development cycle of Rhizopus stolonifer. It therefore appears necessary to use the Actinomycetales bacteria in biological control against plant diseases caused by this phytopathogenic fungus.
Actinomycetes, Antifungal, Rhizopus Stolonifer, Phytopathogenic Fungi, Leak, Biological Control
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