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A Second Collection of Myxosporeans (Phylum Myxozoa) Parasitic on Some Fishes from Tigris River at Baghdad Province, Iraq
Current Issue
Volume 2, 2014
Issue 6 (December)
Pages: 198-202   |   Vol. 2, No. 6, December 2014   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 11   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 1770   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Jawdat Majeed Al-Jawda, Agriculture Research Directorate, Ministry of Science & Technology, Baghdad, Iraq.
Kassim Radhawye Asmar, Agriculture Research Directorate, Ministry of Science & Technology, Baghdad, Iraq.
A total of 98 fish specimens were collected from three sites at Tigris River (Al-Taji, Al-Shawaka and Al-Zaafaraniya) of Baghdad province during the period from January to December 2011. These fishes belonged to eight species: Alburnus caeruleus, Carasobarbus luteus, Carassius carassius, Chondrostoma regium, Cyprinus carpio, Leuciscus vorax, Liza abu and Silurus triostegus. Result of inspection showed that five fish species were infected with 16 species of myxosporeans. These myxosporeans included one species of Chloromyxum, two species of Myxidium and 13 species of Myxobolus. Among all these parasites, Myxobolus cyprinicola, M. parvus and M. sphaericus infected the highest number of hosts (four host species each), while six parasite species infected only one host each. Among these fishes, C. luteus was infected with the highest number of parasite species (13 species), followed by C. regium and L. abu (eight species each) and S. triostegus (one species) while no infection was detected from three fish species (A. caeruleus, L. vorax and C. carpio). In addition, a total of 12 new host records in Iraq were reported for nine species of these parasites.
Myxosporea, Chloromyxum, Myxidium, Myxobolus, Freshwater Fishes, Tigris River, Baghdad, Iraq
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